Baby Stuffs

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Visiting daddy's office at Cyber Tower 2", 2012
(Lola 9 months)

It's just me or most urban moms likes to pay attention to other people's stroller at mall? I guess I have a big crush on stroller, well I know it's just a baby ride but I found a joy by only mesmerizing stroller. Anyway I'd like to share some of my experience due to baby gears.

Here are my priority list for baby gears (MUST HAVE) :
  1. Carseat (newborn to toddler) - Britax & MaxiCosi.
  2. Stroller - Quinny Zapp Xtra, Mamas Papas Sola, Joie Chrome & Cocolatte iFlex.
  3. Baby Bather (not Baby Bath Tub) - Carters.
  4. Sterillizer (with big space) - Tommee Tippee.
  5. Breast Pump - Medela Swing, Medela Manual & Avent Manual.
  6. Big Diapers Bag - SkipHop & BabyMel.

And here the not so important baby stuff :
  1. Baby Carrier - I'd prefer using stroller.
  2. Playmat - Lola likes to play everywhere.
  3. Baby Gym.
  4. Hat Blanket.
  5. Travelling Cot.

Most baby stuffs are not cheap & such a waste because of the short period of use. So don't buy all of them until your baby is born. Since it was my first time having a baby, I bought tons of stuffs that turned out to be useless. Including toys!! Baby gift is something that I recommend. Just wait until you open all of them. And then buy the stuff that you think you'll need it.

About toys? Don't buy anything that cost a lot of zeros. Baby is a moody person. She'll throw and hate it as quick as she wants. Now I'd prefer giving her any kind of stuffs at home as long as not sharp and small. Baby toys might better because of the safe material but expensive. As your baby getting older, she'll be interest on something new everyday and dislike the same toys to be play over and over again.

About fashion? White is a big no no. Baby = messy. My favorite is bold colors. Stains stays but the color looks faded. Jumpsuit (covered leg) has the shortest period for baby clothes. Dress is the longest. You can wear it from newborn until 1 year. And shoes? I've lots of them but rarely being used and suddenly my baby's feet is already longer. So shoes is not that necessary.

And also my baby likes to chew her shoes, open it and throw. I guess before she can walk, shoes is just an accessories. If you're having a baby girl, these days legging and bandana are the most fave items. Yess you should have tons of them, hahaha.

Okayy I guess that's it. Lets go to bed tweeps. Nitey nite and have a wonderful dream.
*This post was published from my twitter on 26th May.

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  1. ih bener fi the longest period of baby girl clothes is dress. beberapa dress fay yang zaman 5 bulanan jadi dress semata kaki dan cuma dipake 1-2x trus masuk lemari, pas umur setaun eh keren juga dijadiin atasan dong, tinggal tambahin legging atau jeans jadi kepake lagi. kalo bayi cowo kan ga bisa recycle ginih :)

  2. You are so beautiful and your toughter is so cute :)
    Best Wishes from Vienna

  3. baby lola is soooo cute kak!! hehe

  4. bs share gak, medela swingnya belinya dmana mbak?and how much is it? :)

  5. @Dini
    Iyaaa Lola udah mau setahun baju dress dia dr lahir masih bisa dipake, horeee bangett dah :p

    Thank uuu..

    Hihii kiss kembaliii :*

    Di baby n co, 1,350 tahun lalu :)

  6. mbak, mau tanya dong... ada beberapa tmn aku yg blg kalo pake breastpump efeknya asinya lama2 berkurang.. bener ngga sih? jadi bingung mau beli breastpump apa ngga.. thanx in advance yaa :)

  7. Emang beda sih breast pump sama isapan mulut bayi, tapi balik lagi mau dipake buat apa dulu? Kalau harus nyetok ASIP kan mau ga mau pake breastpump. Krn aku ga nyetok ASIP banyak jadi ga ada pengaruh pake breastpump mengurangi ASI. Sebenernya konsep ASI banyak atau engga kan tergantung juga demandnya, banyak dikeluarin atau engga.

  8. iya nih mbak, baru aja aku beli medela swing, baru 4X mompa pake itu sih..kok ngerasa kurang banyak ASI yang keluar ya? sebelumnya aku pke pompa pigeon manual biasanya dapetnya sekitar 100ml-200ml tiap kali mompa, tp semenjak pke medela swing kok cuman dapet 50-90ml doang ya? :(

    apa ini tergantung pompanya atau gmana ya? share pengalamannya pke medela swing dong mbak.. mulai putus asa pke medela soalnya tp kan sayang kalo gak kepake jg.. ^,~

  9. @Tien maaaaf late reply. Sebenernya aku ga pernah ada problem sama Medela Swing dan beli ini karena rekomendasi temen-temen. Mungkin bisa sambil kombinasi perah tangan dan pake Medelanya, it works for me dan lebih cepet juga :)
