Let's Go Out

Monday, October 03, 2011

Magnum Cafe, Grand Indonesia", 2011
(Lola 6 weeks)

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  1. OMG its beautiful, colorfull and delicious!!

  2. Wuaa... makannya buanyak banget mbaa... :D
    P.S.: btw, i took one of your pics in my blog, thank you sooo much for inspiring me :D

  3. very beautiful place...But the food I 've pulled dear.Or did you eat all of them? :))
    His mother, lola sweet kiss for me...
    With love ...

  4. mb fifi,,

    stlh mb fifi make stroller zapp xtranya, direview donk mb zapp xtranya baby Lola..
    aku jg lagi mau belanja2 bwt kebutuhan baby yg masih didalam perut..hehe
    Dan utk strollernya tertarik bwt beli quinny zapp xtra bwt si baby..

    hatur nuhun ya mb fifi :)

  5. Hehe belum sempet update review stroller, intinya so far oke, ringan dan mudah pemakaiannya, buat newborn tinggal pakein lagi alas empuk, kekurangannya klo buat jalan pagi di aspal yg kurang rata bawa strollernya kurang enak, dan sama satu lagi seatnya besar ga bisa dilipat, lumayan makan tempat.
